Monday, December 11, 2006

Pray for Ollie

I'm sure alot of you know the situation with Ollie from Winona St. He collapsed at practice and an ambulance had to come and shock him to get his heart going again. Right now I believe he is in a medicine induced coma because if they wake up him his body temp will be too high for him to survive.

This is a terrible tragedy not just for Ollie, his family and his teammates but for the whole Ultimate community. You never want to hear that something like this has happened to someone you know and have played against, especially at the age of 22. That's like my older brother having a heart attack. wow.

So, I don't know how many people read this or if anyone actually does, but the point is pray for Ollie, his family and his teammates to get through these tough times. I know they'd appreciate it and I know it can only help. I know I pray for him every night, and hopefully he can be back come sectionals where he can huck on me for scores every point like last year.

God be with you and your family Ollie.



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